Parenting Tips, Support Your Child / May 13, 2024 How to read your child’s body cues for attuned parenting It was late one Friday afternoon when I picked Oliver up from daycare. Usually on our way out the door, he’d head over to the basket[...]
Ashleigh's Parenting Journey, Parenting Tips, Support Your Child / January 17, 2024 Nailing the Rupture and Repair In this blog post learn what a rupture in a relationship is and how they happen. Learn how you can make a healthy repair so you can feel a[...]
Support Your Child / June 15, 2023 What anger is and what it’s trying to tell you In this blog post dig deeper into the feeling of anger. Learn what it is, what it can look like and what happens inside our body when we bec[...]
Ashleigh's Parenting Journey, Parenting Tips, Support Your Child / June 6, 2023 3 ways to communicate safety to your kids In this blog post learn how you can use your grounded and connected presence as an anchor for your child, communicating safety when your chi[...]
Parenting Tips, Support Your Child / May 27, 2023 Could Feeling Unsafe be at the bottom of your child’s triggering behaviours? Has your kid ever behaved in a way that made you think: ‘Wow…this is feeling really intense…’ What if I told you that the beh[...]
Ashleigh's Parenting Journey, Parenting Tips, Support Your Child / May 8, 2023 How to have hard conversations with your kids Have you ever found yourself in an unfortunate position where you’ve needed to have hard conversations with your kids? I’m not talki[...]
Ashleigh's Parenting Journey, Parenting Tips / May 1, 2023 How to explore your triggers Earlier this year I experienced my second miscarriage within a six month period. This loss was different to my first loss during preg[...]
Ashleigh's Parenting Journey, Parenting Tips, Support Your Child / January 5, 2023 3 ways to remain regulated during ‘those’ stressful moments Anger tantrums, temper tantrums, meltdowns, emotional outbursts, aggression, anger outbursts. Whatever you’d like to label them. We’[...]